Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Scarier, The Better

I like movies.  I would be perfectly content to go to the movie theater twice a week, but as I am not a millionaire, we use Netflix most of the time (I can watch 12 movies on Netflix for the same cost as going to one movie in the theater - but nothing beats movie theater popcorn so sometimes ya just gotta bite the bullet and go.

Most recently, these have been the movies I have seen in the theater.

 Brave was really, really cute.  The bear totally steals the show.

Ice Age: Continental Drift - really, my favorite character in these films is the squirrel-like creature who just keeps a'chasin that acorn.
 Madagascar 3 was cute, but the best parts are on the trailers.
 Charlize Theron rocks in this movie.  That's about the only redeeming quality here.
Niiiiiice eye candy here, ladies.

And on Netflix, I just watched this.
Yep.  I love scary movies.  Unfortunately, this one is believable, so I had to go get the 3 year old out of her bed to sleep with me.  I am a wuss.

Abby's lunch for tomorrow is

Spaghetti and meatballs - in the thermos
Dried, diced plums
Chocolate yogurt covered raisins
Mandarin oranges
2 cherry winks (cookies that YaYa makes)
Babybel cheese
Sesame sticks
Sugar free grape juice
a love note

Off to watch another Netflix movie.


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