Saturday, July 15, 2006

Oh Happy Stash

I know, I know. I have been really bad about cross stitching lately. I truly love my hobby and I even belong to several cross stitching groups on the web, but I have simply not found the drive to put needle to linen lately...however...I have managed to considerably increase my stash! Sometimes I wonder if my real hobby isn't collecting stitching patterns.

Imagine how my pulse rose and my heart went pitter patter when I saw these waiting inside my storm door late last week.

Wait a minute. What is wrong with this picture? Hmmm...

Don't worry. Upon opening this package, all of the contents were found to be in perfect condition. I must say, I really like Janlynn as far as cross stitch companies go. This is what I ordered...

And this is what they sent me FOR FREE!!!

The same day, I also got my Dinky Dyes from ABC Stitch Therapy and the Teresa Wentzler Christmas Collection book I won on ebay. It was a happy, happy day.

Yay me. :)

1 comment:

snapdaddy73 said...

I can understand why a busy mother like you doesn't have time to cross stitch. Perhaps you can teach Dan to cross stich too. I'm sure he's got far too much spare time that could be put to better use than surfing the web and talking on the phone with his west coast pals.

I also love the the reference to "winning" items on ebay. You're as big an ebay addict as me...

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