Monday, October 08, 2012

Here Goes Nothing

So, tomorrow is Jules' 4th birthday.  Where has the time gone?  We will be celebrating with cake and presents and all things Minnie tomorrow evening.  Abs has the day off, so she will be running around with me so as to help get things going.

Other than that big event in our lives, Dan and I are going to liven things up a bit by focusing on a more "whole foods" way of eating.  I got the idea from 100 Days of Real Food - have you seen this blog?  It is inspirational, to say the least.  You have got to check it out!

So, tomorrow, while the girls dine on fish sticks and birthday cake, we will be eating sauteed cod, sweet potatoes and fresh, steamed green beans for dinner.  The girls will also have the sweet potatoes and green beans, but Jules requested fish sticks, so fish sticks she will get.

I am a huge Diet Coke addict fan.  Given my newfound enthusiasm for healthier eating, I am going to be cutting out the caffeine, too.  God help us all.

Hopefully, our guest will be writing the next post.  I gotta go to bed - am getting up the the "cracka" so that I can make the birthday girl some whole wheat banana pancakes for breakfast.  Yum!

Until tomorrow. 



Loren S said...

I love the "real food diet" however, somethings are not food allergy friendly :(

mindigayle71 said...

I don't know a lot about this yet, but I would think that whole foods would contain less allergens than processed foods, but again, I am not an expert.

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