Sooooo, today I open the garage door and shriek into the phone (Sorry, DeDe.). Why, you may ask? Because, sitting in the garage, right in the middle of the floor, was a chipmunk. Sitting is actually the wrong word. He was lurching, rather drunkenly, toward me. Both of his eyes were glued shut and for a moment I thought he might be rabid. As it turns out, however, he inhaled two bug bombs all night long. This happened to me once - Dan set off a bug bomb right outside the open basement window while I was in there doing laundry. I coughed up a lung and couldn't breathe without pain for a couple of weeks. Bug bombs seem to be his M.O.
Anyway, I called Illinois Wildlife Control and they told me to call Best Friends Animal Hospital. I called them and they told me to capture the chipmunk in a box and bring him to them and they would see what they could do. So, I did it. I drove two towns over with a shoebox beside me in the car, talking to a hyperventilating rodent. Yep. That's how I spent my birthday.
Both girls started school today. I did not take pics with my phone. I need to upload the ones taken with the "real" camera. I will post them, I swear.
They both did great. Abs loves her new teacher, Mrs. Nyland, and her classmates, even though she sits at a table full of boys. Jules loves her two teachers, Ms. Christine and Ms. Linda. Ms. Christine, sensing a jittery mommy, called me and sent me two pics of Jules today, to reassure me that she was fine. I think I like her a lot.
Here is what Abs took for lunch today.
Sweet apple slices
Unsweetened grape juice
An empty container, which will hold a hard boiled egg tomorrow
Pretzel sticks and creamy swiss cheese wedge
Green grapes
LesserEvil Krinkle Sticks
Chocolate Teddy Grahams
Snap peas with ranch for dipping
and a love note.
Tomorrow the furniture comes. Hoo boy.
p.s. The vet called - Alvin made it and is back to his feisty self again. He will be released into the wild somewhere other than at our house.
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