Saturday, February 23, 2013

Family Movie Night #2

Tonight, we had our second family movie night.  We had the first one a few weeks ago, and I honestly did not think about blogging it.  That night, we watched "Harry and the Hendersons".  Do you remember that movie?  It came out in 1987!  Dan is the only one of us who had seen it before and, since it had been so long since he first saw it, he didn't mind seeing it again.  It was a funny family movie about...well...Bigfoot.  It is a typical 80's movie in that it is a simple "feel good" film.  Not a lot of thinking has to go on to enjoy it and there is no complex plot here.  The theme is that we have a tendency to fear (and sometimes persecute) whom or what we are not familiar with, and we need to learn to give things a chance before we judge or act.  Hmmm...this is certainly a lesson that we still have not learned, isn't it?  Good, wholesome fun, this movie.  Only PG for foul language and minor guns/fighting violence.  Both girls liked this one.

Harry and the Hendersons

Anyway, tonight's movie was "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules", rated PG for rude humor.  This is a fairly tame movie that centers around the main character, Greg, and his older brother, Rodrick.  It is another "feel good" movie, but it is also quite funny at times.  The humor is on a middle-school level (thus the "rude humor" comment) and the theme is that family is always there for you at the end.  Abby really liked it, but Juli fell asleep about halfway through, as did Dan.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules

I think we are going to try to make this a weekly, or at least bi-weekly, event.  We really enjoy popping popcorn (tonight's was drizzled in dark chocolate) and snuggling under blankets as a family while watching a movie.

Unspoken rules for movie night:

has to be kid-friendly
has to be new to at least one of us
ideally free (i.e. on cable or tv)

Any suggestions?


1 comment:

Jenny Slatt said...

Not free but pretty cheap on Netflix...
The Lorax, Up, How to train a Dragon, Charlotte's Web, Mr. Popper's Penguin, Ramona & Beazus... Just to name a few ;)
P.s. my favorite book for Abby's age: The Miraculos Journey of Edward Tulane ;)

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