Thursday, August 01, 2013

July in Pictures

July was a great month for us. We had Samara for most of the month and the girls attended VBS (vacation bible school) at our church. They had a great time - in fact, Abby cried on the last day, as she did not want to leave. Work continued on the disaster that used to be our basement. The girls started selling pink lemonade at the softball games that occur at the park beside our house, which in turn funded some much needed trips to the local pool

Juli helps her daddy clear debris from the basement.

Abby helps by keeping him company downstairs.

Gonna go make some pool money!

On their way to the park to sell pink lemonade.  They are crossing our neighbor's side yard and then they are there!

We now have a much better appreciation for duct work.  What a difference this expense made to our family.  So much cooler in the summertime and, hopefully, it will be warmer in the wintertime.  Pretty, huh?

While she seemed to enjoy VBS, Juli was not at all comfortable with singing her newly learned songs to the congregation.  So, she performed them, with the motions, while standing in our pew.

Abby and Samara, however, braved it out in the stands.  This was taken just before Juli fled the scene.

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