Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Twist and Shout

Today was 1950's day at Abby's school.  Last week, I got a notice that she was to wear 1950's apparel to school today so that they could have a sock-hop and do other 50's-ish type things.  Heaving a big sigh (I mean, didn't we just lay out $75 each on costumes for Halloween??), I thanked my lucky stars that it was during the post-Halloween "get rid of our leftover costumes" sales that I found this cute one.

I got this costume at Kohls.  It was less than $40, which I am happy with.  It is not high-quality, but I just wanted it to last through today, which it did.  I wanted it to make my little girl happy, which it did.  Next year, if she can still fit into it, we will use it again.  But I will add a cuter belt, bobby socks, and saddle shoes.  We will lose the leggings.  Might also lose the scrunchie - did they have those in the 50's? I think not.  It served it's purpose, though.  It's all good.

Now, let's not have anymore costly dress-up events for awhile, ok?  We had a birthday today - (Happy birthday, Sissy-Mara!), we have another one in three days, then Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I will be ready to unleash some fundage again in 2013.


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