That being said, I have the best hubby in the world. He is willing to move nearly an hour southwest of here so that I won't have a horrible commute with Abster in the mornings. This, of course, means that he will be the one with the horrible commute. Actually, it is supposedly equidistant in time from both of our jobs, but his is longer miles-wise. My 35 mile commute is down back roads that only have one lane going in each direction. It is a beautiful drive through Loudoun County, VA which passes vineyards and large horse farms. The only problem is that if you get caught behind one of the farmers who happens to be out for a joyride on the John Deere, you are screwed. Oh well. Dan's commute will be 95% highway travel, so even though he is travelling almost 10 miles further, his drive will likely take less time. Plus, I will be the one in charge of dropping the Abster off at her daycare center in the mornings and picking her up in the evenings - so add a few more minutes there for us.
Aside from being able to return to my old job, and a slightly bigger salary than last year's, the other positives to moving to Frederick County are that we will not be living in the city

Getting a house ready to go on the market sucks. There's no way around it. And doing it while your 7 month old shows you how she can shriek at the top of her lungs for hours on end can sometimes prompt odd responses from the parental units.
A shout out to the best friend's hubby - let's call him....ummmm....Ed. I totally agree with you that, if you are taking a bubble bath and your book gets soggy, you should definitely call the wifey into the room so that she can rescue said book from the humid, bubbly splendor that is your own private paradise. Princess.
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